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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Travis Ross - The Innocence of Childhood Music Video Premeiere!

It's been a year since I started pursuing music as one of my dreams and in this year I have managed to come up with an array of good tracks all dropping this June on a little project called The Hip Hop Misfit, this is the first single and my pride and joy! Ladies and Gentleman, Oh Boy Films and Deaf Culture Present: Travis Ross - Innocence of Childhood Music Video, directed and edited by the good men at Oh Boy Films -Adam Stanzak and Tony Oberstar! For more music and info about me you can head to the official TRAVIS ROSS MYSPACE!

Innocence of Childhood - Travis Ross from Oh Boy Films on Vimeo.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mural On The Sunset Super Shop In West Hollywood

My buddy Lorenzo Martinez and I painted this mural for 4/20 on The Sunset Super Shop in West Hollywood, came out pretty sick, a better pic will be posted soon!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The New West.... Young Vo and Dice The Nicest

More hip hop popping up in the west coast with flavor like you've never heard. Check this track out by Young Vo and Dice The Nicest called "Hello" download HERE, you wont be let down. Here's a short bio.... "Hello" is Young Vo's single feat. Dice The Nicest. This is the second single off of "The Jimmy Vo Lief Experience". Young Vo is an artist from South Central L.A. with a different style than you're used to from artists of his region. He along with Dice The Nicest, Black Karma, and One B.A.R. will be performing in a Hip Hop Showcase at THE KEY CLUB on 4/16/10. Deaf Culture will be in the house that night so come out and support good music...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Murs - Fornever

New Murs album produced by 9th Wonder is worth your money and time, 10 solid tracks!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Deaf Culture Presents: Artist Profiles - Oh Boy Films

Oh Boy Films -

Is a film and video production company based out of Los Angeles, CA. Owned and operated by Adam Stanzak and Tony Oberstar. The two Minnesota natives grew up outside of Minneapolis together, making short films as early as middle school. In 2006 Tony moved out to LA to pursue his dreams in the film world, 2007 Adam made the move to follow suit. Adam and Tony Collaborated in 2008 to create VerBS music video, a first and a break through for Oh Boy Films. The video got great reviews and emails, phone calls poured in to ask OBF to produce music Videos and Commercials for solo artists. In the last year OBF has proudly produced five music videos, a feature film, and a handful of commercial/promo videos with future projects in the works as well. OBF works completely off the effort of creativity and enjoyment the projects bring. Everything they have produced has been very low to no budget. They believe in the artist and creativity of the minds to help make visual entertainment enjoyable.

Oh Boy Films has been recognized at numerous Film Festivals, including but not limited to; The Other Venice Film Festival, Santa Monica Film Festival, Twin Cities International Film Festival, Puerto Vallarta Film festival, Vail Film fest and many more.

They have received awards in the category's of; Best Cinematography, Best music video, and several overall first place awards.

Peep some of the videos they have done below... and be on the lookout for their newest masterpiece "The Innocence of Childhood"!!!

VerBS - Journey to Fame

Journey to Fame - Verbs from Oh Boy Films on Vimeo.

Alpha MC - The Condition

The Condition - Alpha MC from Oh Boy Films on Vimeo.

Dumbfoundead - Rapper O's

Rapper-Os - Dumbfoundead from Oh Boy Films on Vimeo.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wow Thats So Indy Promo Vid..

One of the best events around in the L.A. area put on by local artist Alpha MC. April 28 will be the next show.