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Friday, February 26, 2010

Deaf Culture Presents : Artist Profiles - Centrevol

Hard work, dedication, and four individually talented musicians are just some of the great qualities that make the band Centrevol who they are. Let's take some time to meet the boys... left to right on the pic above, starting with the new addition to the band Kai-ping Liu - Guitar, keys, BGV's, the brothers Peter Guinta - Lead Vocals, Guitar, Harmonica, and Jon Guinta - Bass, last but not least the drummer Nasty Nate Burkhardt. In 2006 the three original members (Pete, Jon, and Nate)decided to pack up and move west from Boston, settling in the good 'ol LBC. At this time they released their first Ep called "City of Angles" and started to to tour. Their first apartment was a one bedroom with a triple bunk bed made out of wood scraps and a second hand loft bed. “I envisioned the classic overnight LA rock story in my head, but it was quickly replaced with a temp job on a delivery truck and a 90-minute commute thru LA traffic just to rehearse.” Bassist Jon Guinta smirks, “My slap-bass technique got a lot better then.”

Centrevol started doing a lot of local shows in Long Beach and building a fan base. Later on that year they won the Mai Tai Rumble and the grand prize of $10,000smackaroos that they used to independently finance the "Beggars and Thieves" album(kids take notes). Wyn Davis (Sublime and No Doubt) ended up getting involved in the project to help add the finishing touches. Also that year they went all the way to the National Finals of the Emergenza Festival, in L.A. at the world famous Key Club (My first Centrevol show and one of the best musical nights of my life). Imagine two school busses full of drunk and happy family, friends, and fans pulling up to the Key Club all wearing white Centrevol shirts coming into the venue and taking over, because that's exactly how it went down. "Beggars and Thieves" to this day has not deserved the respect nor exposure it truly deserved. To have an indendently financed project come out that amazing and for the industry to not see it is the true definition of Deaf Culture and what we stand for. The world can be deaf to what's true because the album is 13 tracks of I can't believe they aren't signed. Smooth, melodic, with great layering and Pete's voice and guitar playing matched with the rhythym of Jon and Nate was ingenious. The track title #7 an instrumental with a bass intro that still gives me the chills, really showcases the talent and progression of the band. Click Here to listen to the album.

I could go on for hours about them because I'm a huge fan but I will spare all of you! Quick update on the band: They are currently working on a new EP coming in April, they had huge success at the NACA West and have been touring colleges during the semester. They recently shot a video for the single "Fifth Ave Dream" which you can check out below. A link to their website is on our sidebar under Links. Here are the upcoming shows:
Mar 12 2010 9:00P The District in Tustin (All ages) Tustin, California
Mar 18 2010 8:30P Que Sera Residency w/ One High Five and The Secret 6
April 15th 2010 @ 8:30 pm - Que Sera Residency w/TBA
Keep your eye out for Centrevol and support their music by going to shows and BUYING the album!! Thanks Nate for sending over the bio!

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